Good Omega-3 Levels Enhance Brain’s Function, Reckons Study
Good Omega-3 Levels Enhance Brain’s Function, Reckons Study
People, who consume foods that possess omega-3 fatty acids are likely to be more intellectual in their mid-life as compared to the ones that do not

Omega-3 fatty acids offer a surfeit of health benefits. They are extremely good for one’s heart health as well as cognitive functioning. A deficiency of these fatty acids can result in eye dryness, eye irritation, joint pain and hair loss. Additionally, it also leads to hair thinning and dryness of hair.

The benefits of Omega-3 are not just limited to apparent physical aspects. People, who consume foods that possess omega-3 fatty acids are likely to be more intellectual in their mid-life as compared to the ones that do not. A study regarding the same was published in the October issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

The findings are based on the observation of a group of 2183 people with an average age of 2183 people. The group was made after ensuring that the participants did not have a history of dementia or stroke. Their levels of omega-3 fatty acids were measured. Their thinking skills were tested, and scans were conducted to track their brain functioning.

The average percentage of omega-3 fatty acids in the low-group participants was 3.4%, while it was 5.2% for the high-group participants. An 8% or more level is deemed ideal.

Levels of 4% to 8% are regarded as moderate. Low levels are those that fall below 4%. It was found that those who consumed more omega-3 fatty acids had greater average volumes in the hippocampal region of their brains, which is crucial for memory, as well as higher average scores on an abstract reasoning test.

While the most popular food to get your omega-3 levels up is marine fish, it is not consumed by vegans and vegetarians. Vegetarians can get through flax seeds, walnuts, seaweed, edamame and chia seeds are some of the plant-sourced foods that can be eaten as an alternative. These foods are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and by consuming them, one can avoid their deficiency.

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